posted under by meow.


Happy 初三!

posted under by Vincent
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!
Happy 初三!

Happy new year

posted under by Vincent
is what we say at the beginning of each year.

But you, ask yourself
When the goddamn year is past
Happy, were you so?

Nothing like a silly haiku to confuse people.

merry christmas ~ xD

posted under by meow.



Happy 41st post! ...

posted under by Vincent

Seemingly many events have passed since the previous post, and only recently we concluded 'A' levels (however far away it seems, only 10 days have eclipsed) with great relish. Also, the much awaited-for prom seemed to have ended in a high note. Guys turned up all charming in their shiny blazers and silky ties, while girls struggled to keep a glamorous poise while perched upon their foot-high heels. And speaking of which, I have to make a few honorable mentions of the suave dudes and pulchritudinous ladies of 6c35:

Chiahau, always the ladies' man (but of course, a particular lady's) appeared in a charming suit, with a bright red layer that wasn't at all garish, and a rather tasteful bow tie to match. Shiny polished shoes add a delightful touch to the overall image. Unsurprisingly, he clinched the best-dressed award.

Wynne, your girl next door, albeit with a hint of tomboyishness, has swapped her T-shirt and jeans for a ruffled dress that ends just above her knees. Natural jet black hair, usually furled into a ponytail, was surprisingly smooth and gave that wild, sexy look. The studious look went away with the glasses, and in its place was a rather mysterious aura (read: my description skills end here).

Lwt was gorgeous. The makeup wasn't overdone, and the result was a radiant look that went well with her tan. The floral prints on her dainty dress only served to accentuate her beauty. The look in her eyes would send fire down your spine (and what big eyes!) - sizzling globes of demureness set against her playful bearing.

I haven't seen yahui personally, but thanks to Facebook I was knocked off my chair in amazement. She's just the sweetest thing in the observable universe! :) Blue is a lovely colour, and it only looked better on her petite frame, complemented by subtle shades of eye shadow. Sapphire blue, royal and soothing; attractive yet approachable.

And of course, due to bias on my part, I have to include xC, who was clad in a nondescript black suit. Very charming, anyhow. (Do I have to continue with what nice green underwear he has?)

Feel free to add on to my roll of honour guys (if you are reading this, at any rate)...

Counting Down

posted under by Vincent
Hmm, I vaguely remember a post like this:

"This is a subtle title." (Blogger is screwed and so I cannot link to that particular post.)

"Just to remind everyone, we have 197 days left! Recall that we commenced with 287 days or so..."

Now we have, like, 77 days????


centerstage and Van Gogh thing and more-than-half-the-class classouting!

posted under by xiao wang =D

IMG_2413hmmm since our class blog so long nobody post, i shall be nice and post here! =D so recently right, we had like centerstage, Van Gogh thing and class outing, which is considerably successful since over half the class appeared! yaye!! =D clapclapclap

FIRSTLY, would wanna congratulate Joseph on getting 4th in centerstage again! gogogo! haha. then i’ll move on to spice up the class blog with details about our relatively successful impromptu class outing today. pictures follow so you can analyze them urselves and get some of the jokes inside. yeahh. i will try my best to make the post longer and more detailed.


IMG_2421well, we started off with some entertainment of foosball by adie, wy, xc, jovi and chiahau
one dollar seven balls! where for a certain round xc and chiahau kena thrashed six-one. then cindy adie wy shared this huge popcorn (which had the magical power of increasing your popularity and attention from others significantly), and where suat was actually jealous. joshua was attempting to get to the popcorn but failed most of the time, until finally we couldnt finish and he xc jy finished it within seconds. hmm what can i say leh, they are JOSHUA XC AND JIAYAO LEH.
after that, spent a relatively long time thinking on where to go, finally decided to go eat free flow of ice cream and drinks at suntec basement there, called just noodles. helped them shift the table so that it was easier to talk.IMG_2427






well, while at just noodles, it was very entertaining. interesting stuff that happened included:


1. suatteng and who was sitting opposite her, and why xc decided to sit next to her, which then evolved to how suatteng has a 360 degrees radius and everyone was in danger. vincent used those stuff on the table to attempt to create a shield, but we concluded that suatteng was able to do projectile motion and so the shield was too low.
2. WANGYE. that i won’t elaborate
3. suatteng telling the world to: “i tell you ah, you should just ignore him, seriously, just ignore him, what’s the point?! he talks nonsense” X1000000times in various versions
*try to identify the irony in it
4. chiahau getting threats from someone and us concluding that ch wil complain to a certain someone, hmmm i wonder who it is….

and that marks the beginning of the suatteng wants to take photos!IMG_2442IMG_2436IMG_2503





























ohkay yaye now they look proper. hmm shall have a short caption for each of them left to right, top down (startin frm the jovi pic):
spot the similarity
just eating and enjoying the conversation w suat’s entertainment
the GOD poses
suat doing some flap her arms thingy with both arms which lwt caught on camera
suat swinging my pouch T.T
clare kang photo! yaye!
suat is damn cool
wy and her BRUNO!
our act candid photo
another of the act candid photo
act cute photo
the end =D

well acty there are like 94 but it wld be insane to post all of them up here, those that want rmb give me your thumbdrives!
ps. we shld go do something during sep hols, one day of relaxation frm all those intensive mugging xD and we shld have another sentosa outing and we will have a class chalet, anybody can book? (wynne? =D)

posted under by 5C35
Congratulations to Joseph for taking the 4th spot in Centrestage!
It was pretty cool when he said "(he) took part in Centrestage just to sing this song (Hallelujah) on the stage".

Found this when ruffling through my rough papers...

posted under by Vincent

No prizes for guessing the author...


posted under by HalloWynne
Hiii guys, I'm sorry I couldn't go for the class outing today! I'm like, grounded for this week -_-

And I'm excited about the class t, lol. We're finally getting one!!! Freak. Awesome. No idea when it's coming or what the final price will be though. Let's wait for updates from hexC.

Anyway, it's currently week 2, day 3 of the holidays, horror. Do not follow LWT's detailed study plan. Instead, I suggest that you pray to ZY for guidance, then use the following device:

"The Study Ball gadget is a prison-style ball and chain that you can program to keep track of how much time you spend studying. Once you've selected the desired duration, you chain the ball to your ankle and the manacle won't come off until the schedule study time is up.A red LED indicator displays the "Study Time Left" and keeps you informed as to how much longer you've got to keep studying. The ball and chain are made of highly durable steel and weighs a total of 9.5 kg / 20.95 pounds, which makes it difficult to move while wearing it."

Hmm I've only one question... how are you supposed to go to the toilet... ?

class tee design O.o

posted under by meow.

Should Advertisements Be Restricted?

posted under by Vincent
Hello 6c35, I am back again!

A recent bout of seasonal flu has been making its rounds through everyone of late, seeing Ma Biao off for a week (as well as Cindy for a couple of days), and Wing/Wynne/Woof's stomach had also taken ill. I myself have taken to sniffing and hacking in my quiet corner in the homeroom of 6c35. I hope all of you are well/alive and kicking.

Today was fairly interesting; xC had a little accident during PE, physics lecture was a whirlwind of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and we had experiential learning for GP, learning that rendezvous is one word and not rondevu, probably misspelling accommodating and whatnot.

Anyway... that is not the point for this post. I am here to ask if anyone is interested in Laser Tag. It's something like paintball, without the paint. And the ball. Read below:

Laser tag is a team or individual sport where players attempt to score points by engaging targets, typically with a hand-held infrared-emitting targeting device. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within the arena in which the game is played. 

- shamelessly and entirely plagiarised from wikipedia

There is a one-off Laser Tag competition on 6th June 2009, from 1000-1200. No prior experience is needed; a briefing will be given before the event, rally your buddies to have some fun!

posted under by 5C35
Okay, just some updates of our lives in little Sillypore.

Ving, regular visitor to 6cdirty5, types furiously in (on?) his speedy Ferrari in his little corner in the homeroom of 6c35, while Jovi's girlfriend studies 'Periodicity in Physical Properties', absorbed in her own bubble of thought.

Further down the row, Adie the frog examines the arcane world of Chinese language in an unnamed magazine. Meow is rocking on his chair (as usual), observing the world go round through slit-like eyes (like all cats should have). Talking to the frog was bright and slimey shining, who had turned towards Xiao Wu Gui. (She seems to have an affinity with animals.)

The residential God was uninfluenced by the rowdiness of mundane life, choosing instead to immerse herself in scribbling PQs and Achievements (like creating the Earth and Man, for example). An illegal gathering of socceroos and basketballer Loo was hovering around near 35's tutor, one of the homo sapiens well-versed in English and Essay-crafting.

A black face has appeared! He seems intrigued by the dashing Ferrari and its peripherals. Alas, it was Jovial Jovi. But wait, another black face appeared! A green nike bag with a Gingerbread man keychain swayed into view. He bobbed around for a while, stinking of CO aura, and left a black smokey trail (CO seems to be colourless and odourless though) behind as he bobbed away.

The bell rings! Mr. Black Face complains of people who cheat during NAPHA.

The class empties.


posted under by Anonymous


posted under by Anonymous



posted under by 5C35

This is a subtle title.

posted under by Vincent
Okay, frankly speaking I'm tired of seeing me and xC's candid shot everytime one of my seven browsers loads 6cdirty5, so I shall do some mindless updating to shove that post down by several inches on all your beautiful, glossy 50" active matrix LCD displays.

Just to remind everyone, we have 197 days left! Recall that we commenced with 287 days or so...



posted under by Vincent

各位亲爱的同学,我有一件非常重要的事要宣布,因为不说的话以后可能会出现种种的误会,或是有一些棘手、出乎意料的情况发生。今日2009 年4月3日,我郑重地宣布:


你可能无法理解我的感受,但我告诉你,那种悲伤,像万箭刺进我的心里!大家在校园内看到的我总是嘻嘻哈哈的,其实,那是一个假象!我每天承受着折磨,因为看见他,就好像旧事重演。我跟他,缘分已绝了... 我知道错了...

其实我早预料到了。他长得风流倜傥,打得一手好球。再加上性格外向,交际手腕强的很,人又友善,想跟他交往的人从新山排队到新加坡。当初他选择了我,也许是一个错误。不过,俗话说,不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有!我想我只能靠这句话过我的下半辈子... (伤心)...

survey? O.o

posted under by meow.
嗯嗯,之前 Mr Tan 原本說要請吃冰麒麟淇淋,不過因不明腹痛而取消 囧 「如果說一切都是天意~」...


=== 我是無所不在的分隔線 ===


1: 您希望辦一次班聚嗎?

1. 要,而且指名風流倜黨,玉樹臨風,智勇雙全,目光如電的數學代表主辦。

2. 不要,但我承認數學代表風流倜黨,玉樹臨風,智勇雙全,目光如電。

A: ( )

2. 您希望班聚是辦在哪一天?

1. 由數學代表決定,不論他說哪一天,就算打斷我的腿,我爬也要爬來。

2. 我自己說哪天就哪天,你們不想來也得來。

3. 老子說哪天就哪天,而且不論老子說哪一天,老子都不會來。

A: ( )

3. 您希望班聚的天數?

1. 一天。好友相聚,不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有。

2. 兩至三天,最好可以過夜。因為一年前我就愛上某同學,我不能再欺騙自己,今晚我一定要睡了他 / 她。

3. 直到世界末日。什麼屁大學,老子不屌讀了。

A: ( )

4. 您希望帶女朋友去嗎?

1. 我不會帶--因為我沒有女朋友

2. 我不會帶--因為我為了參加班聚已經和她分手了

3. 我不會帶--因為我為了參加班聚已經和他分手了

4. 我不會帶--因為我為了參加班聚已經和它分手了

5. 我不會帶--因為我為了參加班聚已經和牠分手了

A: ( )

選一 /二的人,值得嘉勉,你們可以加入鞭策自己運動協會。愛你呦 ~


選四/五的人,你們應該知道我想說什麼了吧 ?


5. 集合的地點在哪?

1. 我校校門

2. 天國之門

3. 地獄之門

4. 那烏魯新幾內亞巴哩巴哩哄

A: ( )

選二/三的人,很難笑喔 囧。

選四的人可以告訴我,那裡是哪裡嗎 ?

6. 想去哪裡玩? (可複選)

1. 老師家玩
2. 去老師家算數學
3. 去老師家算數學並且吵死隔壁的鄰居
4. 去火山泡溫泉
5. 去非洲挖溫泉
6. 去南極喝溫泉
7. 去找公園的阿伯泡茶

A: ( )

7. 為了怕同學們日久變形,會認不出來,我們必須要有一套暗語如下 :







4.甲說:和尚端湯上塔 湯燙 塔滑 湯灑 湯燙塔 (唸快一點)

乙答:塔燙湯 灑湯 滑塔 燙湯 塔上湯端尚和 (唸比他快)

A: ( )

額外題(可不填): 我發誓絕對不會去,因為是數學代表那個王八蛋主辦。




A: (  )

看完此問卷的人請以嚴肅的心情作答 不要嘻皮笑臉

務必按項填寫好 根據問卷 數學代表我才能幫大家辦班聚

再叮嚀一次 請按項填寫 期盼你們給我回覆

=== 我是無所不在的分隔線 ===

xD. 8181~

Term 2

posted under by Vincent
Term 2, terminal 2... Seems like the unofficial class outing has been cancelled and 6c35 had an additional Friday evening to enjoy life in an emotional state at home. Maybe it is a terminal curse that 35 can never have a proper class outing. D:

On the bright side, let us once again welcome school back into our midst! School lets us come together once again! It is school where we bury our heads in books together, scream with agony together, smile painstakingly together, enjoy math and csc (some) tutorials together, do everything together. It is where scandals are made, and couples are formed (together = to get her) for all of us singles to envy and poke fun at. It is where you long to be, don't you think so...?

I'm sure you do. :)
Have a productive term!

titles're lame. so ignore titles!

posted under by meow.
since wynne posted a picture of a dog doing sudoku, i shall post a picture of a cat doing sudoku xD

hand in your math tutorials / assignments!
(unless you want to keep them for studying and ignore _____ xD)

that's all. 8181~

SlumDOG Millionaire

posted under by HalloWynne
Oh I feel happy for one of my kind. Woof woof.

Anyway the movie was good! But I shall not say anything so that I don't spoil it for those who haven't seen it. And Marina Square was crawling with DHS people, lol. There was this... stampede towards the cinema at 6.50 PM. I think I understand why they said "don't wear school u or you'll embarrass us", now >_>

I feel stoned from my cough medicine, so I'm going to go to sleep now. But first...

Dogs can't win 20 million rupee without being smart.

P.S. eh class t how? The design was re-done by adie, I know, but after that it disappeared... If we don't do it soon it'll be too late. Ciiiiiindyyyyyyyyy!!

P.P.S oh ty ving for the concern! And hc, if you do that xC will beat you up for stealing his ving.

Okay bye all.

A Small Memo

posted under by Vincent
My PW mate-cum-shining's dog is sick! Plus Jovi's Suattie and Xiao Marker, there must be something bugging 35.

Hope everyone is well! Those sleeping late please allow rejuvenation of your heart and soul; those with eyebags big enough to store Jovi's love for Suattie (that's a lot for those who don't know) do the same; those ill please drink more liquids to flush your toxins; those in need of love and care please kindly approach me.

All the best! :)

(Talking about love and care, and in conjunction with the recent Angel &Mortal's, here's a video: Necessary Angels)

Happy V Day!

posted under by Vincent
6cdirty5 has seen a sudden surge in tags! Much due to my picture post which exposed some scandalous deliciousness, I believe :PHappy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope to uncover more scandalous affairs so we can further increase readership :)

CIP, Come In and Play

posted under by Vincent
Now I should be doing tutorials or studying, but a picture for today...

posting = reviving the blog!

posted under by meow.
i see that everyone starts to blog again xD

and not many people appeared for the cny visit to ms chia's house indeed O.o

let's hope that there'll be more people going to mr alan tan's house xD (and see his trophy of KARAOKE!)

anyway, those reading this now can login your DHS Mail and check for math test schedule. ahahaha. xD vector IV test is coming. heh.

dont forget to bring your thermometer!


A Little Update..

posted under by Vincent
With regard to Joshua's erm, exceptional post, I simply feel that every author in the blogosphere should have their fair share of opinion input. Whether they get prosecuted afterwards is another matter, no?

Ahem, let us put our hands together for his palpable exertions! His efforts to keep the 6c35 blog cannot be denied. I, as the planner of the ingenious scheme to incorporate a class blog into our daily routine, feel extremely proud that our members are aleady starting to exercise their freedom of expression! :D

On another note, today was the visit to Ms Chia's house, but due to several unforseen circumstances and a series of unfortunate events, the number of visitors was seriously compromised.. Hope to see increased class bonding!

All the best for the big A =)

Joshua learns to blog. YAY!!!!!

posted under by yowda
My name has been mentioned twice and my picture is up! Haiz, an intrusion on my personal privacy. I MUST FIGHT BACK AGAINST THIS INJUSTICE!!!!!!!
While we're here i'll tell you about the SAT test i took last week. They had some funny rules
1)If you have any questions please raise your hand. The resulting blood rush will aid you in your quest to find the answer.
2)Be sure to shade the answer sheet completely with a 2b PENCIL as all answers will be erased by machine
3) You may speak to any examiner to clarify your doubts or any other examiner to be booted out of the exam hall.

4) Cant really think of any more. HAve i mentioned XC SUCKS? HE BULLYIG ME AGAIN

Hey how bout i tell you about the Qantas de aircraft maintenance logbook?
Problem: Suspect leak in aircraft
Solution: Suspect you're right
Problem: Crack found in windshield
Solution: Windshield removed

Haiz damn think i'm not funny. wl. post pics

To sign of, dun mess with meow any more or he'll get v angry. ANDU DUN LIKE HIM WHEN HE"S ANGRY

first week of school is over!:)

posted under by Anonymous
Hello everybody. First week of school is over! Let me give those who organized the orientation and those OGLs a pat on the back. (PIAK!) Heh. Well I can see you all nua diao already, very tiring right... We're now 6C35 already, this blog outdated liaoz...

Anyway, there're less than 10 people on thursday and friday's lessons, so cool! Lol. Haiz shy Joshua didn't manage to pluck up his courage to go to the stage and win some movie tickets for ahemhem. Heh. And chou jiayao won Kinder Bueono and didn't share with us:( Friday was quite short and it feels like I'm back to sec 1 or 2 again, being able to chiong out of school at 1+pm... Miss those days T.T

I guess I revived this blog a little, provided you guys see this post-.- Don't know why I suddenly feel like posting something... Ah well hope you guys recover from orientation and we'll see each other on Monday... Remember it's 9am hor don't come at 8am and sing National Anthem yourself. . . Goodnight 6C35... Go dream of something and write it on the GP homework given zzz...


posted under by HalloWynne
HI EVERYONE, what the heck is this? When was this thing born? Ooh, by the way, I didn't even know about the second class blog, cough cough. That's how much of a failure I the blog was.

Anyway, be more honoured!! Shining blogged from china, but I... am blogging at 5.55 AM!!!! Wah I should just post now to get that awesome timestamp. Anyway.

Me, dean, adie, wy and xC are super black and fit now. Okay no, I think I'm black. WY and dean and adie are still normalish coloured and xC is his usual tomato-y self.

And we have played ball games at 32oom above sea level, thank you thank you. And dug a HOLE! A 1m deep hole. Not easy, okay. After running a bit you're like *pant pant @_@* And after every 5 shovels = breaktime. Roy (the other one, not our class one) dug until he got a nosebleed, bwahaha. BUT on the bright side, it's like an anime you know you know? Training in the mountains! Punch punch. Maybe my 2.4 timing has magically dropped. I shall run tomorrow and see how. Er if I ever wake up, that is. I kind of suspect that I'm gonna be KO'd for 20h.

Anyway, sadly we didn't buy anything back, but honestly there wasn't too much shopping to be done. Unless you wanted dry yak meat?! Or a piglet.

Oink oink. They're quite cute, you know.

Ahhh anyway, will there be another class outing besides the E.C house one?! Because I can't go for that one ;_; Go out lah people, let's go... mass pooling or something. Or we can go kboxing. And then the 5 of us can sing you the Tibetan song we learnt, lol. Or we could go bowling, sigh. And then you can see my amazing ability to live in the gutter. I am second only to shunjie, okay.

But the point is, let's go out! I can't remember when the BSP people come back though. Oops.

How are your lunwens going eh? JY! Hey shining look after the small turtle! And I smsed both of you + ZY, but then again, I smsed your singaporean numbers. Btw zy, I attempted to sms you from the top of the mountain we climbed (3900++m!!) but uh... there was no reception -_- Kind of expected, eh. Oh well, better than wy and her starhub phone anyway. Permanent receptionlessness, heh heh.

And now, I'm done wasting your time. But at least I posted something on this blog! So it'll live a little longer I guess?

BYE ALL! :D It's good to be back.


posted under by meow.
hi all, i'm here to revive (?) the dying (?) class blog.

i mean, to bury it since it looks like it's dead already *sparkling eyes*

so what should i post.... hmmmmm......

actually i dont know. 囧 nvm. it shall continue rotting. niahaha.

random picture of the day (although i dont quite understand the 2nd example) :


that's all. 8181 ~

posted under by sHiNiNg~
hello people! im stuck in china! aren't you guys honoured that i am taking the time out to blog when im supposed to be uh doing my lunwen? :):) i know you all are. and i know all of you miss all me alot righttttttttttt. :):)

ok. i admit it. im only blogging cos im super bored here. haha. im looking forward to go elanor chia's house! haha thn we can see if her husband shuai or not. btw, are we having a class chalet this year?

our wonderful past 1 year....

posted under by 5C35
Ah ppl, how time flies, we are a class for almost a year already, though technically only 11 months and 12 days on the point of this post.

One more year to A levels and we will all go separate ways, some of us perhaps never to meet again. BUT, before that, let us meanwhile enjoy our time as a class. :D

now let us do some recap on this wonderful 1 year. haha.

our very 1st class pic at sports carnival '08 at sentosa. (yea a repetition of wanting's post pic but i only have this pic)

Teacher's day '08! Count Dracula!!

Ah illegal gathering! or a class outing in disguise.YEAAAA CBALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm.... 你们的丑样被我拍到了.

oh, our first class outing!!!! sentosa! yea! quite a successful one i think. haha
Girls power! after a long long day at sentosa...

Awwww. Aren't our class guys just so sweet?

going home from our first class outing! wooh! haha... -_-"

thats all for now. yup. lets have more class outings so i can take more pics. haha.

- st


posted under by 5C35
当风hsiu, hsiu, hsiu...
woo :D
Oo. Gay ahoy!

joshua, looking harmless

- dun know who (vincent?)

This is the most complete class pic I have, only don't have chiahau! Nvm la hor, got him no him also no difference. HAHA
It's like super small, so ppl with higher quality class pics, pls post them!


- lwt


posted under by 5C35

Ahh, headaches. I get them often.

This article is for lwt! :)

O.o title? 可以吃嗎?

posted under by meow.
hihi. we now've a class blog! xD

when's the last time that you visited a class blog?

well at first we had
then we had
and now we've

正所謂「事不過三」。if this blog died then maybe there'll not be anymore blogs *sparkling eyes*

've you all started doing your homework!?

wait.. why must our youth be spent on doing homework?


that's all. 8181~
