posted under by HalloWynne
HI EVERYONE, what the heck is this? When was this thing born? Ooh, by the way, I didn't even know about the second class blog, cough cough. That's how much of a failure I the blog was.

Anyway, be more honoured!! Shining blogged from china, but I... am blogging at 5.55 AM!!!! Wah I should just post now to get that awesome timestamp. Anyway.

Me, dean, adie, wy and xC are super black and fit now. Okay no, I think I'm black. WY and dean and adie are still normalish coloured and xC is his usual tomato-y self.

And we have played ball games at 32oom above sea level, thank you thank you. And dug a HOLE! A 1m deep hole. Not easy, okay. After running a bit you're like *pant pant @_@* And after every 5 shovels = breaktime. Roy (the other one, not our class one) dug until he got a nosebleed, bwahaha. BUT on the bright side, it's like an anime you know you know? Training in the mountains! Punch punch. Maybe my 2.4 timing has magically dropped. I shall run tomorrow and see how. Er if I ever wake up, that is. I kind of suspect that I'm gonna be KO'd for 20h.

Anyway, sadly we didn't buy anything back, but honestly there wasn't too much shopping to be done. Unless you wanted dry yak meat?! Or a piglet.

Oink oink. They're quite cute, you know.

Ahhh anyway, will there be another class outing besides the E.C house one?! Because I can't go for that one ;_; Go out lah people, let's go... mass pooling or something. Or we can go kboxing. And then the 5 of us can sing you the Tibetan song we learnt, lol. Or we could go bowling, sigh. And then you can see my amazing ability to live in the gutter. I am second only to shunjie, okay.

But the point is, let's go out! I can't remember when the BSP people come back though. Oops.

How are your lunwens going eh? JY! Hey shining look after the small turtle! And I smsed both of you + ZY, but then again, I smsed your singaporean numbers. Btw zy, I attempted to sms you from the top of the mountain we climbed (3900++m!!) but uh... there was no reception -_- Kind of expected, eh. Oh well, better than wy and her starhub phone anyway. Permanent receptionlessness, heh heh.

And now, I'm done wasting your time. But at least I posted something on this blog! So it'll live a little longer I guess?

BYE ALL! :D It's good to be back.


posted under by meow.
hi all, i'm here to revive (?) the dying (?) class blog.

i mean, to bury it since it looks like it's dead already *sparkling eyes*

so what should i post.... hmmmmm......

actually i dont know. 囧 nvm. it shall continue rotting. niahaha.

random picture of the day (although i dont quite understand the 2nd example) :


that's all. 8181 ~

posted under by sHiNiNg~
hello people! im stuck in china! aren't you guys honoured that i am taking the time out to blog when im supposed to be uh doing my lunwen? :):) i know you all are. and i know all of you miss all me alot righttttttttttt. :):)

ok. i admit it. im only blogging cos im super bored here. haha. im looking forward to go elanor chia's house! haha thn we can see if her husband shuai or not. btw, are we having a class chalet this year?

our wonderful past 1 year....

posted under by 5C35
Ah ppl, how time flies, we are a class for almost a year already, though technically only 11 months and 12 days on the point of this post.

One more year to A levels and we will all go separate ways, some of us perhaps never to meet again. BUT, before that, let us meanwhile enjoy our time as a class. :D

now let us do some recap on this wonderful 1 year. haha.

our very 1st class pic at sports carnival '08 at sentosa. (yea a repetition of wanting's post pic but i only have this pic)

Teacher's day '08! Count Dracula!!

Ah illegal gathering! or a class outing in disguise.YEAAAA CBALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm.... 你们的丑样被我拍到了.

oh, our first class outing!!!! sentosa! yea! quite a successful one i think. haha
Girls power! after a long long day at sentosa...

Awwww. Aren't our class guys just so sweet?

going home from our first class outing! wooh! haha... -_-"

thats all for now. yup. lets have more class outings so i can take more pics. haha.

- st


posted under by 5C35
当风hsiu, hsiu, hsiu...
woo :D
Oo. Gay ahoy!

joshua, looking harmless

- dun know who (vincent?)

This is the most complete class pic I have, only don't have chiahau! Nvm la hor, got him no him also no difference. HAHA
It's like super small, so ppl with higher quality class pics, pls post them!


- lwt


posted under by 5C35

Ahh, headaches. I get them often.

This article is for lwt! :)

O.o title? 可以吃嗎?

posted under by meow.
hihi. we now've a class blog! xD

when's the last time that you visited a class blog?

well at first we had
then we had
and now we've

正所謂「事不過三」。if this blog died then maybe there'll not be anymore blogs *sparkling eyes*

've you all started doing your homework!?

wait.. why must our youth be spent on doing homework?


that's all. 8181~


posted under by 5C35
first week of holidays gone already!!!!!! damn fast!
ok bye



posted under by 5C35
Hi there! It's Ving here.

You would think that after NUMEROUS (actually only 2, niahaha xD) failed attempts of trying to start a class blog, I would give up the notion entirely and wallow in self-pity.

But no, why choose to linger in the past, when one can live in the present, and fantasise about the future?? I have tried and fallen, and gotten back onto my feet! (Doesn't mean I'm standing up you know, I could be back on my feet but squatting *sparkling eyes*)

Ahh, I believe you'd love a bit of hc-ness.


posted under by 5C35
Another testing, except people can test too!
