A Little Update..
With regard to Joshua's erm, exceptional post, I simply feel that every author in the blogosphere should have their fair share of opinion input. Whether they get prosecuted afterwards is another matter, no?
Ahem, let us put our hands together for his palpable exertions! His efforts to keep the 6c35 blog cannot be denied. I, as the planner of the ingenious scheme to incorporate a class blog into our daily routine, feel extremely proud that our members are aleady starting to exercise their freedom of expression! :D
On another note, today was the visit to Ms Chia's house, but due to several unforseen circumstances and a series of unfortunate events, the number of visitors was seriously compromised.. Hope to see increased class bonding!
All the best for the big A =)
Ahem, let us put our hands together for his palpable exertions! His efforts to keep the 6c35 blog cannot be denied. I, as the planner of the ingenious scheme to incorporate a class blog into our daily routine, feel extremely proud that our members are aleady starting to exercise their freedom of expression! :D
On another note, today was the visit to Ms Chia's house, but due to several unforseen circumstances and a series of unfortunate events, the number of visitors was seriously compromised.. Hope to see increased class bonding!
All the best for the big A =)
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