posting = reviving the blog!
i see that everyone starts to blog again xD
and not many people appeared for the cny visit to ms chia's house indeed O.o
let's hope that there'll be more people going to mr alan tan's house xD (and see his trophy of KARAOKE!)
anyway, those reading this now can login your DHS Mail and check for math test schedule. ahahaha. xD vector IV test is coming. heh.
dont forget to bring your thermometer!
and not many people appeared for the cny visit to ms chia's house indeed O.o
let's hope that there'll be more people going to mr alan tan's house xD (and see his trophy of KARAOKE!)
anyway, those reading this now can login your DHS Mail and check for math test schedule. ahahaha. xD vector IV test is coming. heh.
dont forget to bring your thermometer!
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