Counting Down

posted under by Vincent
Hmm, I vaguely remember a post like this:

"This is a subtle title." (Blogger is screwed and so I cannot link to that particular post.)

"Just to remind everyone, we have 197 days left! Recall that we commenced with 287 days or so..."

Now we have, like, 77 days????


centerstage and Van Gogh thing and more-than-half-the-class classouting!

posted under by xiao wang =D

IMG_2413hmmm since our class blog so long nobody post, i shall be nice and post here! =D so recently right, we had like centerstage, Van Gogh thing and class outing, which is considerably successful since over half the class appeared! yaye!! =D clapclapclap

FIRSTLY, would wanna congratulate Joseph on getting 4th in centerstage again! gogogo! haha. then i’ll move on to spice up the class blog with details about our relatively successful impromptu class outing today. pictures follow so you can analyze them urselves and get some of the jokes inside. yeahh. i will try my best to make the post longer and more detailed.


IMG_2421well, we started off with some entertainment of foosball by adie, wy, xc, jovi and chiahau
one dollar seven balls! where for a certain round xc and chiahau kena thrashed six-one. then cindy adie wy shared this huge popcorn (which had the magical power of increasing your popularity and attention from others significantly), and where suat was actually jealous. joshua was attempting to get to the popcorn but failed most of the time, until finally we couldnt finish and he xc jy finished it within seconds. hmm what can i say leh, they are JOSHUA XC AND JIAYAO LEH.
after that, spent a relatively long time thinking on where to go, finally decided to go eat free flow of ice cream and drinks at suntec basement there, called just noodles. helped them shift the table so that it was easier to talk.IMG_2427






well, while at just noodles, it was very entertaining. interesting stuff that happened included:


1. suatteng and who was sitting opposite her, and why xc decided to sit next to her, which then evolved to how suatteng has a 360 degrees radius and everyone was in danger. vincent used those stuff on the table to attempt to create a shield, but we concluded that suatteng was able to do projectile motion and so the shield was too low.
2. WANGYE. that i won’t elaborate
3. suatteng telling the world to: “i tell you ah, you should just ignore him, seriously, just ignore him, what’s the point?! he talks nonsense” X1000000times in various versions
*try to identify the irony in it
4. chiahau getting threats from someone and us concluding that ch wil complain to a certain someone, hmmm i wonder who it is….

and that marks the beginning of the suatteng wants to take photos!IMG_2442IMG_2436IMG_2503





























ohkay yaye now they look proper. hmm shall have a short caption for each of them left to right, top down (startin frm the jovi pic):
spot the similarity
just eating and enjoying the conversation w suat’s entertainment
the GOD poses
suat doing some flap her arms thingy with both arms which lwt caught on camera
suat swinging my pouch T.T
clare kang photo! yaye!
suat is damn cool
wy and her BRUNO!
our act candid photo
another of the act candid photo
act cute photo
the end =D

well acty there are like 94 but it wld be insane to post all of them up here, those that want rmb give me your thumbdrives!
ps. we shld go do something during sep hols, one day of relaxation frm all those intensive mugging xD and we shld have another sentosa outing and we will have a class chalet, anybody can book? (wynne? =D)

posted under by 5C35
Congratulations to Joseph for taking the 4th spot in Centrestage!
It was pretty cool when he said "(he) took part in Centrestage just to sing this song (Hallelujah) on the stage".
